How to Handle Annoying Female Friends
You love your girlfriends. They’re like family and you’ve supported each other through the trials and tribulations of adulthood. You’ve partied together and cried on each other’s shoulders. They’re amazing… except when they’re annoying. Do you have friends who constantly try to change you or hound you about your life choices? Do you have friends who bombard you with their problems or try to steal your other friends? Maybe you’d like to tell them to back off, but you don’t want to make things awkward. Well, I’m here to help! Here’s how to handle these five annoying female friends without (hopefully) ruining your friendship.The Annoying Friend Who Steals Your Other Friends Do you have a friend who has to be friends with all your other friends? Let’s say you have a party and invite Janet from yoga class, Sarah from work and Emily, your childhood friend. Sarah and Emily make polite conversation, but Janet takes it to the next level and friends Sarah and Emily on Facebook. Next thing you know, Sarah is going to the spa with Janet and Janet is picking Emily up from the airport. Janet excludes you from all their plans. They’re the Three Amigas and you’re old news. How did this happen? They’ve just met! The first thing you can do is hide your friend list on Facebook. Make it private so no one but you can see it. And seriously reconsider inviting a friend-stealer like Janet over again when you’re having a party. If she asks about your blocked friend’s list, tell her it’s a privacy issue and you don’t want people looking at your Facebook friends. Depending on your friends’ privacy setting, the friend-stealer may or may not find them on Facebook, but at least you’re not making it easier for her. And the next time you have a party, don’t invite the annoying friend-stealer!
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